Monday, June 30, 2008

It's The Little Things That Add Up...Electronic Files

Creating portable document files (PDF's) of online bills, contracts and receipts on your computer and keeping them in folders on your hard drive saves paper and ink. It will also keep your home a much tidier place! Be sure to back everything up on an external hard drive because it's more than likely at some point your computer will crash.

Paper makes up more of our garbage than any other type of trash at almost 40%.

Give it a try, check out some of the following to get you started:
Try to keep your computer organized is free and converts files 

Monday, June 9, 2008

Extreme Yard Makeover

Driving along US 41 the other day I noticed a massive sign that said Extreme Yard Makeover. I was expecting to see one of the stars from HG TV pop out into the street. There is a house along Trail Blvd. (runs paralell to US 41 across from Pelican Bay) that is getting a total yard transformation with a focus on enviromental responsibility. Go check it out!

Friday, June 6, 2008

Reducing Your Baby's Footprint

Trying to think of an easy way to reduce your baby's footprint at home? In the world of baby drama, it isn't easy, but I have managed to find a way to feel less guilty about the whole diapering dilemna without being completely impractical. Check out . The diapers can be composted, flushed or tossed. No landfill required for these diapers. 50 million disposable diapers enter the landfill every day, where they sit for up to 500 years.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Jumping On The Bandwagon

I went to Wynn's Market today to buy my lunch and they were offering reusable shopping bags for 99 cents! It appears that all of our local grocers are jumping on the reusable bag bandwagon. Wynn's will give you a discount (25 cents I think) for not using plastic or paper bags.