Thursday, February 28, 2008

How To Green Your Dishwasher
Check out this article on how to "green" your dishwasher. Honestly... not something I ever really thought about. I always try to run it when it's full, and every now and again open it up to let the dishes dry, but that's about it. I like that the article suggests that using a dishwasher can be more environmentally friendly than hand washing! YAHOO!! has more great ideas to share so check it out.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

10 Things You Can Do At Home To Curb Global Warming

Ten very simple things we can do at home everyday to do our part for the environment:

1. Use compact florescent lights (CFL's) when buying light bulbs.
2. Adjust your thermostat by 3 degrees up or down depending on the time of year.
3. Inflate your car tires for better gas mileage.
4. Turn down the water heater.
5. Choose your seafood wisely.
6. Purchase Energy-Star labeled appliances.
7. Wash and rinse laundry in cold water.
8. Buy locally produced meats and vegetables.
9. Drink water from reusable glassware.
10. Walk, bike, rollerblade or carpool to your destination.

For more detailed explanations of this top 10 visit for the article by Conservation International.

Monday, February 18, 2008

Las Vegas Real Estate Blog: Vegas is going Green

Las Vegas Real Estate Blog: Vegas is going Green

Swamps & Houses Don't Mix

I saw this in the Naples Daily News and thought it was interesting.

Green Housekeeping

Cleaning house isn't exactly something that I love to do, but I have found that there are a few green cleaning staples that are less expensive than their chemical counterparts.

Cornstarch: absorbs grease and oil from fabric and leather
Salt: cleans grime from dishes, pet bowls etc.
Rubbing alchohol: streak free shine on stainless steel appliances
White vinegar: great for windows and tile floors

Anyone have other suggestions?

Friday, February 15, 2008

When The Bulb Burns Out

Energy efficent compact florescent bulbs are a great way to reduce energy costs in your home, but they contain small amounts of mercury, so they don't belong in your regular trash. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) recommends recycling the bulbs.
To find out about recycling options in your area check out

Hazardous Waste disposal is available in Collier County through Waste Management

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Naples Hotel Gets "Green" Lodging Certified

Naples certainly has it's number of visitors from around the world. I'd like to personally thank all of those who choose Naples as a vacation destination as you help stimulate our local economy and bring attention to what a beautiful place we live in.

I don't know about you, but it drives me crazy when I'm staying in a hotel and I can't recycle. Needless to say, I was very excited to see on that a few area hotels are making efforts to do their part for the environment.

I just hope that all the rest follow suit soon.

How Efficient Is Your Home?

One of the best things that you can do to put your home in the "green" is to find ways to boost energy efficiency. Visit Florida Power & Light's website and take their FPL Home Energy Survey at to see how much energy you are using and ways to cut costs. You will also get energy saving tips.